Detail of Strenuous Nonbeing construction, Cardboard, Bamboo skewers, Zome Kits, glue, 2013
Strenuous Nonbeing includes a 14ft architectural model that was placed in an undisclosed location with seven cats. This event was televised live during the opening of A Strenuous Non-being at Grand Arts. The full video can be watched here: http://vimeo.com/58728784

Strenuous Non-being (Installation view), Live video loop, 2013

Blackstone Extentin, Ptogen pets, Sunndo Object (Installation view)

Poratrix separates, De-collage on layered inkjet prints, 60 x 40, 2012
Poratrix separates is made from six layered photographs that were taken of a sculpture during different stages of construction. The initial sculpture was made from bamboo and Zome Kit parts.

May exessori, De-collage on 10 layered inkjet prints, 40 x 60, 2012
10 photographs of models constructed out of cardboard were layered and cut with an exacto knife to create a relief-like surface.

Sunndo Object, Inkjet print, 40 x 60, 2012
Inspired by a Cooper Union textbook from the 1970’s “Creation In Space,” Sunndo Object is one of a series of models made out of cardboard, designed specifically to be reassembled like building blocks. The textures originate from photographs of a specific location referenced in A Strenuous NonBeing.

Ptogen Pets, Inkjet print, 40 x 60, 2012

Blackstone Ixtentin, Inkjet print, 60 x 40, 2012

Clod Paerati, Inkjet print and tape, 45 x 36, 2012

Cave Nuthywo, Inkjet print, 32 x 48, 2012

Patristic Isizons, Inkjet print of hand-built structure, 48 x 32, 2012